
Speak  | Write |  Design

............ a data use for decision making initiative

Brasys Comms provides a collection of all you really need communication products and services that aims to increase the effectiveness of internal program communication with a focus on data use for decision making in the development community. Our collection cuts across 3 key domains SPEAK, WRITE & DESIGN !


Bullets to Speech - Presenting scientific/technical presentations to a non-technical audience. (1 day training)

CharTalk - How to present charts/figures/statistics. (2 hour session) 

Media 4 Development - Public speaking in media events for development specialists. (half-day workshop)


RepImpact- a report writing training to better showcase program results. (1 day workshop)

Templify- Customised templates for a variety of reports and information products; program reports, success stories, bulletins and so much more.

Abstract+- Preparing abstracts that summarise the most critical bits; with a clear, succinct and single communication objective. (half-day workshop)


Super Slide DeX- Multimedia presentations that showcase program results with a combo of concise text, telling pictures, graphics and videos.

Data Viz Boards- User friendly tools to increase visibility and usability of program data for decision making.

Two Clicks- Straight from database to powerpoint presentation; increasing automation of routine program monitoring presentations.