Initiatives to Brace Africa's Health and Social Protection Systems for SustainabilityVIEW
At BI, we Brace Systems for Sustainability, this means:
We Strengthen local actors and create Enabling environments (BRACING)
We apply whole systems thinking: People, Processes & Tools (SYSTEMS)
We don’t just “Attain” but aspire to “Sustain” Impact (SUSTAINABILITY)
As we initiate interventions, partnerships with local stakeholders are critical
As programs grow to scale, there must be a gradual and simultaneous tailing off of external actors and increasing leadership of local actors
With deliberate, context-appropriate and systematic capacity transition plans; that allow specific segments to be transitioned on different timeframes, per achievement of systems’ strengthening objectives
Technical support for strategic planning, project management & organisational development.
Capacity building for individuals and institutions delivering services
Identification, promotion, implementation and scale up of high-impact service delivery and quality improvement initiatives
Robust monitoring, evaluation & research systems set up
Knowledge management & communication services support
100% African “owned” and led, a team with multi-country expertise across Sub-Saharan Africa; with first hand experience of the local context.
We believe partnerships work and we hope to become the bridge and conveyor that effectively links international (donors and implementing partners) to local, delivering the necessary ingredients for growth and sustainable transition.
We work closely with public institutions, and CBOs to deliver sustainable impact through skills transfer, hands-on systems strengthening TA and organizational development efforts that foster local ownership of donor funded programs across the country.
Monitoring & Evaluation
M&E Systems Design
Program Evaluations, Surveys and Rapid Assessments
M&E SOPs, Guidelines & Job Aids Development
M&E Trainings
M&E Competencies Assessment for M&E Professionals
M&E Systems Review/Assessments
Data Quality Improvement Tools
Program Quality Improvement
Program Quality Assessments for Projects
Program Quality Improvement Basics Training
Organisational Development
Organisational Capacity Assessments for CBOs and Local NGOs
A Suite of Organisational Development Trainings
Strategic Planning Hands-On Support
Service Delivery Systems
Health & Social Worker Trainings
Development or Review & Update of Strategies & Guidelines
Technical Assistance Process Design
Program Management Trainings
Development Communication
M&E for Communication Programs (Media monitoring, audience measurement surveys)
•See the BrasysComms initiative below for more on our communications offerings.
A package of monitoring, evaluation and learning products and services to better meet development organisations needs, click here to learn more
An expanded package of communication products and services to better meet development organisations needs, click here to learn more